
I Was Not Built to Break: 2012 in Retrospect

With only 30 days left in 2012 I wanted to share with you all that I’ve learned in 2012. Please be sure to check out “Dear Nicole” a letter I wrote to myself before the New Year.


I heard so much this year, but mostly I heard “Nicki, stop posting on Facebook, stop blogging and stop talking about what’s going on in your life to everyone”. However, what I learned through Facebook, blogging and talking to other people is that we all have similar situations. We’ve all lost a loved one, been in a bad relationship, lost a friendship, something or someone we loved and we all have that one song that pulls us in, stirring up emotions that we didn’t know we still had. We’ve all had that moment where we felt a bit touched, biopolar or crazy. We’ve all had something happen to us that we didn’t believe we’d ever get through it; some of us even thought we’d die. What I’m saying is that why should any of us be ashamed of our experiences, if it has not happened directly to us we know and have cared for someone it has happened to, but chances are we’ve all been there, one way or another. A person knowing, is still a person knowing, so should it matter if they found out during Testimony Tuesday at church, your relationship change on Facebook or your rant on Twitter? No, it shouldn’t but it does and what I’ve learned this year is that it’s cool to tell your experience but we have to be careful who we share with because not everyone who says “I’ll pray for you” is praying for what you’re praying for.


With that said these are the ten things I take from 2012.

1. Everyone is not your friend. I don’t care if they’ve been there since you were knee high to a grasshopper. You have to know where to draw the line, even with your best friends. Some things you can only share with God.

2. Don’t allow everyone around your family, in your home, and in your personal space, not everyone has a good spirit. Trust and believe you don’t want their spirit in your home, on you or your family well after those people have left your life.

3. Save a little of yourself for yourself, if you give all of you away one day you will not know who you are and you’ll be left trying to piece the pieces of you together.

4. Tears are cleansing, cry and you’ll feel better.

5. Stop listening to everyone. You know you better than anyone walking this earth. Trust in yourself and watch what happens.

6. No one should be your everything. If they are your everything is there really any room for you? If you answered yes, it’s probably a really small space.

7. Be honest with yourself. It only hurts you in the end.

8. Before you forgive anyone else learn to forgive yourself first, that’s hard to do knowing you have to take ownership and be responsible for your part in the mess you’re in. If you say you have no part in the mess you’re in, you’re lying to yourself. See number 7.

9. Everything is everything. It is what it is and it ain’t what it ain’t. Stop wishing it was something different; all that wishing won’t change your situation and you’ll just prolong your healing.

10. This is life; it does not come with an owner’s manual. Mistakes will be made and hearts will be broken. Sometimes you make the mistakes and sometimes it’s your heart that is broken, but no matter what you have to pick the pieces up and keep it moving, otherwise you’ll lose the battle and possibly end up losing the war.


Life’s trials are meant to bend you, they’re not meant to break you-tap into the inner strength The Most High has reserved for the hardest trials and fight! Fight your way out of whatever is holding you back from being the best you that you can be; because we’re not meant to just be average-if we’re made in His image than we are powerful beyond belief, we just have to believe in ourselves.


I wish you nothing but the best in all that you do and may 2013 be your year.


God Bless!

